Ever wanted to know some random facts about me. Here are 50 random fact you may or may not know about me.
1) I am an ex smoker. (15 months now).
2) I have suffered on and off with depression since I was 18.
3) I have had 1 serious suicide attempt and very lucky to be here.
4) I drink too much tea. Splash of milk and between 1.5 and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
5) I have Hypermobility syndrome.
6) My favourite colour is red.
7) I prefer to read than watch a film.
8) I have a very eclectic taste in music and will listen to just about anything depending on my mood.
9) I played the bagpipes from the age of 8 - 14.
10) I have a dog and a snake.
11) I love Tequila.
12) I have Ornithophobia (fear of birds).
13) I have b12 injections once every 12 weeks, on them for life. Would die without them.
14) I was married at the age of 21.
15) I was bulimic for around 9-10 years.
16) I bought my first sex toy about 5 and a half years ago. Made up for it now!
17) I test and review sex toys and lingerie.
18) I am a crafter and made my own cards and cross stitch.
19) I have been hit twice by a car. At 14 and 18. Take part blame for the 1st time.
20) I have 7 tattoos and have more planned.
21) I have (including my ears) 14 piercings.
22) I have been divorced for nearly 2 years.
23) I have moved around 20 times.
24) I am supposed to wear my glasses all the time because of astigmatism.
25) Anything I have learned to do with a computer has been self taught.
26) I am a qualified Chef.
27) I don't like blood. Hard limit for me.
28) I have had 3 operations.
29) I hate peanut butter, tuna and beef crisps.
30) I'm not allowed to give blood (see no. 13)
31) I went to my 1st Fetish club in January of this year.
32) I have dabbled in fire play and really want to do it more!
33) I have 1 child and want no more.
34) My son was born on friday the 13th and the last 3 numbers on his hospital tag 666!
35) I have an allergy to Penicillin and the sap between the skin and fruit of a Mango!
36) I got a puppy for my Christmas when I was 8. Best present ever!
37) Favourite famous person I have met is Robert Carlyle.
38) Scottish film Restless Natives, I have met the whole cast, sat on the motorbike and got to try the masks on! I lived where part of it was filmed. http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0089904/
39) I'm not scared of dying.
40) I sometimes use a walking stick.
41) I have a proper stocking fetish. Even just thinking about them gets me going!
42) I don't wear make-up every day.
43) I am a Gemini.
44) I wear a size 5 shoe.
45) There is a space of about 8 years where there are no photos of me.
46) I am a terrible singer.
47) I was anally raped by my ex husband.
48) I will never marry ever again.
49) I don't wear underwear every day.
50) I don't have a middle name.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Post Party Play
And the other side!
Got some criss cross cane marks up my arm too. Not sure if my back or bum is bruised but if it is it sure doesn't feel the way the top of my legs do. I love the ache of the morning after the night before. Awesome night last night, too much fun to mention!
Slight problem though, wearing a very short, Angel costume next week! Will my bruises heal in time!
Join in and see who else is having a Sinful Sunday

Sunday, 2 December 2012
Dedicated to K. Sinful and Sexy
So not long ago it was Breast Cancer Awareness month and we had lots of lovely boobie photos.
I have been rather generous with my boobie pics for Sinful Sunday of late and was going to do something different but recently my friend K told me that she has breast cancer. So this photo I dedicate to her! So for K, Sinful and Sexy!
So who else has been sinful this sunday?

Sunday, 4 November 2012
Diamante Whiskers!
I have never been a Kitty before so decided to dress up as one this Halloween. I wore a black body stocking, made my own black ears and tail. I has a pink collar and mini glitterball hanging from it. I did my make up very cat like. I made a little mouse and the finishing touch to my costume was my diamante whiskers! I was named later on that night, Sooty.
I love Halloween and it seemed a waste to just throw my sparkly whiskers away without getting creative with them.
See who else is playing along and having a Sinful Sunday!

Sunday, 7 October 2012
For the love of boobies!
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
A Hidden Treasure
I love nothing better than chilling out with a good book. Even better when that book is disguised as being something innocent when really it is far from it. The same could be said for sex toys. Cleaverly disguised, a hidden treasure! A naughty book and a bullet. A perfect recipe for some chill out time.
Be inspired with Toy With Me Tuesday and see who else is playing along!
Monday, 20 August 2012
My First Toy With Me Tuesday
I have seen some pretty cool entries since Toy With Me Tuesday started and thought it was about time I took part.
Pretty soap!
Sunday, 29 July 2012
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
After not being too well I thought I would try and get back into things but having to take it slowly unfortunately. With seeing some pretty awesome HNT photos I thought it would be a good way to ease myself back in. With not quite feeling up to taking a new photo I thought I would go to the 'bank' and see what I had. I was torn between quite a full on half-nekkid and just a flash but this week I have decided to go for just a flash and maybe work up to more.
The subject! Myself in what I love! Stockings! One of my favourite things and I love this pose! I had been taking some photos of my new stockings, was having a break, flopped down on the sofa, lay how I usually do and took a photo. Turned out to be my favourite of that lot of photos! I hope you like too!
After not being too well I thought I would try and get back into things but having to take it slowly unfortunately. With seeing some pretty awesome HNT photos I thought it would be a good way to ease myself back in. With not quite feeling up to taking a new photo I thought I would go to the 'bank' and see what I had. I was torn between quite a full on half-nekkid and just a flash but this week I have decided to go for just a flash and maybe work up to more.
The subject! Myself in what I love! Stockings! One of my favourite things and I love this pose! I had been taking some photos of my new stockings, was having a break, flopped down on the sofa, lay how I usually do and took a photo. Turned out to be my favourite of that lot of photos! I hope you like too!

Friday, 2 March 2012
Fetish Friday. My first caning
I am just going to go for it here, post from where it comes best, from the heart. It may not be the best written post or have the best gramour but
It was my second night at a fantastic Fetish club and I had pre arranged with a gorgeous Domme to receive my first caning. I have had spankings, floggings, paddles, belts, crops in the past, but never a cane. Everyone thought I was crazy and I had been told that Mistress Ella was rather 'good' with a cane.
In waked Mistress Ella and I was in awe, she looked stunning but Mistress Ella always does. I spoke with her and she had a few things to do first before I was given my caning. Unfortunately Mistress Ella had to leave early and my caning I was so looking forward to was going to have to wait. I was a little disappointed but was determined not to let it spoil my night, always lots of fun things to get up to at the club.
I mingled and chatted with the new friends that I had made, I felt so at home. I had taken some rope with me, new rope that had never been used, a friend helped me to christen it and it felt wonderful to be bound. A new love of mine!
After chatting, a few people suggested that I chat to a Dom called Mr Samuelle and explain to him about my planned caning and that I was disappointed that I hadn't had it. I had chatted with Mr Samuelle a few times before so I felt comfortable in asking him.
He was delighted to help me out! He got together his kit and we looked for a quieter room in the club. The medical room was reasonably quiet, another Dom playing with 4 subs, he had them all tied together and they seemed to be having fun. I was told to bend over and present myself. What a firm but sexy voice Mr Samuelle has. "Have you been warmed up yet this evening?" "No" was my answer. He started by gently caressing my buttocks and then giving them gentle but firm smacks, gradually warming the flesh of my arse up. He bent over and whispered in my ear, asking if I was ready. "Yes" Was all I could get out. The moment I had waited for and here it was! I heard a gentle swish through the air and the gentle sting of the cain on the fleshiest part of my arse. "How was that for you? Do you like it? Do you want more?" All I could say was yes, yes and yes! Again and again he struck my arse with the cain, sometimes my right cheek, sometimes my left and sometimes both together. In between strikes he caressed my arse with such a gentle touch, then surprised me with the cane again. I hadn't counted how many strikes I had taken but I knew it was a lot, I was in ecstasy! My pussy was soaking! I knew I had welted, I mark so easy. It felt so good. I was on the verge of an orgasm, had I had even a gentle touch to my pussy or clit I would have been writhing in sheer ecstasy. He asked "Are you on the edge?" Oh my god was I ever! On the edge of orgasm, on the edge of not being sure if I could take much more! "Ok, 6 rapid to finish, are you ready?" Hell yes I was ready! 1,2,3,4,5,6 I counted. He then caressed my welted and already bruised arse.
He told me when I was ready I could get back up. He helped me until I was steady on my feet and asked how I was feeling. Only one word came to mind. Heavenly! I thanked him for such a wonderful experience and his reply was it was a pleasure, you have such a pretty arse to cane and it marks so nicely.
I was on cloud 9, never could I have imagined that something that is perceived as brutal could give so much pleasure.
I somehow got tied to the other 4 girls in the room, 5 sexy ladies all tied together and the two Doms stood back and admired their work!
I had great pleasure in showing off my pretty stripes the rest of the night. Had myself some more fun. Two Dommes had a naughty boy in the school room and I was invited to join them in punishing the naughty boy, was great fun!
Almost time to go home, the club over for another month. I spoke to Mr Samuelle again and he was so attentive in making sure I was ok before I went home.
The next day the pretty colours that were coming up on my arse, I was so proud of them. I was proud that I took a damn good caning but most of all I felt so happy that I was well on the most important journey, the one where I was finding who I was!
I got a message the next morning from Mr Samuelle asking if I was ok and how my bottom was. He wanted to make sure I was ok. I was still buzzing from my caning! It was one of the best experiences of my life and I know it won't be the last!
I'm on the best ride of my life and I don't want to get off!
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